

Duration: 2 days
Meeting point: Palermo Piazza Verdi (Teatro Massimo)


  • Pullman GT
  • Tourist guide with audio system wi-fi
  • Full Board

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Punto d’incontro – Meeting point – Point de recontre

Palermo Piazza Verdi (Teatro Massimo) ore 08:00 raduno partecipanti, ore 08:30 partenza

Route Description

Here we will enjoy lots of gorgeous evidences of the past. We visit the archeologic  park that houses one of the major theatres of the Greek world: the ancient stone caves and the artificial grotto known as ” Orecchio di Dionigi”. We go on towards the island of Ortigia, historic centre and heart of Syracuse.Chance to take part to an excursion on a typical boat to enjoy the wonderful coast. The following day we arrive in Noto for a guided visit among capitels, churches, convents and noble palaces of the capital of the Sicilian baroque. In the evening, return to Palermo

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